Entries by Fuquay Law Firm

How Maintenance Errors Contribute to Maritime Injuries

The maritime industry is a critical part of the economy, both for the nation as a whole and Alabama in particular. Unfortunately, those who contribute to this essential industry have an increased risk of injury every time they report for work. A significant number of injuries are the result of maintenance errors, many of which […]

Understanding and Addressing Barotrauma Injuries in the Maritime Industry

The maritime industry requires workers to expose themselves to high-risk situations on a constant basis, which means remembering safety protocols, having a plan for every possible outcome, and understanding what’s at stake if they get careless. This type of pressure can take a toll on a maritime worker’s mental health. Barotrauma injuries are a particular […]

The Risks of PTSD Following Major Maritime Accidents

Maritime accidents cause profound amounts of damage, not just to ships but to ecological systems, infrastructure, and people who keep the industry functioning. Those who work aboard vessels are at risk of serious physical injuries during a maritime accident. Beyond that, there is also a strong chance that victims will develop post-traumatic stress disorder, often […]

Radiation Hazards and Injuries in Offshore Oil Platforms

Offshore oil platforms are inherently dangerous work environments full of hazards that can cause serious or fatal injuries to offshore workers. Radiation hazards are among the most extreme dangers an offshore worker can face. Even limited exposure to radiation can cause severe injuries and illness, and extensive radiation exposure can even affect the children born […]

The Connection Between Sleep Deprivation and Maritime Injuries

Sleep deprivation is unpleasant, even in the best-case scenario. When you’re working a maritime job, that’s far from the best-case scenario. The work you do and the decisions you make can literally be life-or-death. Unfortunately, maritime workers are often plagued by fatigue. This is partially because of the nature of maritime work and partially because […]

Important Steps to Take After a Cruise Ship Injury

The time you spend on a cruise ship should be relaxing and give you a break from daily life. However, a substantial amount of cruise ship injuries are reported every year. While any personal injury (or workplace injury, if you are a cruise ship employee) should be tended to immediately, circumstances are different on a […]

Protecting Maritime Workers During COVID-19

With so many maritime workers considered essential employees during the COVID-19 pandemic, many have found themselves wondering what their employers are doing—or should be doing—to keep them safe. COVID-19 spreads quickly in tight indoor quarters, so an entire ship worth of staff can quickly find themselves quarantined if proper precautions are not followed. Have you […]